Our management of accreditation procedures: the best calling card for a great event
Wings has designed and realized GetYourBadge, its first computer system for the management of the accreditation centres, in 2005. Since then, the software has been continuously updated and constantly in step with the latest technologies, both software and hardware, until 2018 with the release of GetYourBadge Unplugged.
Constantly updated and improved with new features, GetYourBadge Unplugged can also run without an internet connection, through the most common browsers on the market and it relies on a server, modest in size, located in the accreditation centre. As there is no software to install, any kind of device can be used (computer, smartphone, tablet) therefore it implies a great cut in the materials to carry for the setup of the accreditation centre. It totally blends with the Platform GetYourEvent, allowing a smooth and successful management of all the procedures (application, evaluation, print, and delivery of the badge).
The badge is printed using a dedicated software, specially designed and realized by Wings, that allows the immediate use of any kind of printer and the simultaneous use of different printers. The main functions of GetYourBadge Unplugged are the following:
• import of lists from Excel documents
• identification of the faces and resizing of the pictures
• management of cumulative badge delivery
• management of the allowances for company/category
• multiple printing layouts and on different supports, depending on the kind of accrediatation needed
• quick handling of last minute accreditation requests

La piattaforma di gestione on-line: il cuore pulsante della tua organizzazione

La nostra gestione delle procedure di accredito: la migliore porta di ingresso per un grande evento